Wednesday, May 20

My New Hobby

So I have just discovered that my most FAVORITE thing to do in the world is to GO SWIMMING! I'm nothing at all like my me! :) But really....... I am starting to become quite a fish these days! Thanks Gramm for letting me hang in your pool!!

Oh and I look like I'm really mad, but my Mommy had to wrestle me just to get me out of the pool! :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW Jacob, Look at you....your own blog!!!
    Just had to agree with your mom about your being nothing like her when it comes to water. Swimming lessons were sooooo very traumatic for her but your grandma Toni insisted that she go!!! And let's not even talk about bathtime.....OMG!!! are growing waaayyy too fast!! And can we say "handsome"??
    Love you bunches, sweetie, Teena xoxoxo
